The research methodology includes, research approach, setting of the study sampling technique, data collection method, development of the tool. Description of tool, ethical consideration. Content validity, reliability, pilot study and data analysis.
The present study aims to assess the knowledge gain on kangaroo mother care with the help of video assisted teaching programme among B.Sc nursing III year students of NIMS College Of Nursing, Hyderabad. The research methodology organizes all the components of the study, providing the overall frame work for availing valid answers to the sub problems that have been stated.
A pre experimental approach with single group pre test and post test was used to accomplish the objectives of the study, intended to collect the data regarding knowledge of B.Sc nursing III year students on kangaroo mother care. Experimental approach with single group pre test and post test. It describes the situations as they exist in the world and provides accurate information regarding selected variable of particular sample, individuals and situation. The outcome of experimental research provides a basis for future quantitative research.
Research design is plan, structure and strategy of investigation and of answering the research question. It is an overall plan or blue print, which heels the researcher to carry out the study.
The research design selected for the present study is pre experimental design with single group pre test and post test model.
The study design shows that 1st day pre test was conducted by structured questionnaire technique. After 2 days, VIDEO ASSISTED TEACHING programme was conducted on kangaroo mother care among B.Sc nursing III year students. On 8th day the B.Sc nursing III year students were given the same questionnaire for post test
The study setting refers to the area where the study was conducted. The investigator selected the area as per the convenience. Setting for conducting my study is NIMS College of nursing which is attached with the research institute and the college of nursing is having all the 4 batches and III year batch is having 100 students.
All the B.SC nursing III year students are population for the study.
Sampling is the process of selecting a portion of population to obtain data regarding a problem Systematic random sampling technique is used to select the sample .The complete population is given the numbers and then the sample size is decided and then the population /sample size is calculated called n and each n/ 10nt number is selected as sample of the study. Sample size is 30.
1) B.Sc nursing III year students who are studying at NIMS College of Nursing Hyderabad.
2) Who are willing to participate in the study.
3) Who are available at the time of data collection.
The study excludes:
1) The B.Sc nursing III year students who are studying at NIMS College of Nursing Hyderabad
2) Who are not willing to participate in the study.
3) Who are not available at the time of data collection.
The study was aimed at evaluating the knowledge gain with Video assisted teaching among B.Sc Nursing students. The instrument was developed based on the related study, informal discussion with opinion of experts based on review literature and it is based on problem statement and objectives of the study, validity and reliability.
The final format of the structured questionnaire used in the study consisted of two sections, section-A and section-B.
Section-.A consists of seven items on demographic data
Section -B comprises thirty questions related to knowledge on kangaroo mother care.
Each question has four options out of which one was right answer and three were wrong, each right answer was assigned a score of one the total score was thirty. Subjects who scored above 75% were considered as possessing above average knowledge, the subjects scored between 50-75% were considered as having average knowledge and if the score was below 50% they were considered as below average level of knowledge.
Ethical clearance was obtained from NIZAMS INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL SCIENCES ethical committee. To conduct the study, THE PRINCIPAL NIMS COLLEGE OF NURSING, HYDERABAD, has permitted and written consent was also obtained from the subjects.
It refers to the degree to which an instrument measures what it is intended to measure. The content of the tool was validated by 7 experts out of which 5 nursing experts in Obstetrics and gynecology specialty and 2 obstetricians. The final tool was modified by incorporating suggestions from the experts.
The reliability of measuring instrument is a major criterion for assessing the quality and adequacy. The reliability of tool was elicited by test-retest method samples of 10 B.Sc nursing III year students were chosen and were tested twice with a gap of 1 week .Karl Pearson ‘r’ is calculated i.e.0.95.this indicates the tool was highly reliable.
Pilot study is a small scale version or trial run of the major study and to obtain information for improving the project, pilot study was under taken on 10 students who are studying B.Sc nursing III year students at kamineni college of nursing, . It is found feasible and could be easily understood by the subject. These subjects’ results were not included in the final study.
A formal written permission was obtained from the principal NIMS College of Nursing, Hyderabad. The data was collected from 03-07-2009 to 08-07-2009 one week and from B.Sc nursing III year students, who are studying at NIMS College of Nursing, Hyderabad. The structured questionnaire was used to collect data from the subjects. After pre test a video assisted teaching programme was given to all 30 subjects on kangaroo mother care. After 1week post test was conducted to same subjects.
Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze the data on the objectives of the study.
1. Frequencies and percentages were used to summarize the sample characteristics and item wise analysis.
2. Mean, Standard Deviation and paired‘t’ test were used to calculate the effectiveness of VIDEO ASSISTED TEACHING programme.
3. Chi-square test is computed to find the association between levels of knowledge with selected variables.
This chapter on methodology which deals with research approach and design, the setting, population, sample, sampling technique, description of the tool pilot study, procedure of collection of data and plan for data analysis
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